Herbal Plants


Botanical Name - Medicago Satina
Indian Name - Alfalfa
ALFALFA is nutritionally on of the most versatile herbs yet discovered. It is a leguminous herb which grows up to 50 cms in height. It has rich green alternate leaves, purplish flowers and adapts itself to widely varying conditions of soil and climate. Alfalfa appears to have been discovered by the Arabs who called it the 'king of kings' of plants and the father of all foods. Alfalfa is a native of Europe. It is now widely cultivated in the temperate regions, the subtropics and higher altitudes in the tropics. It is grown through out India. Alfalfa is a valuable source of vitamins A, B, D, E and G. It also has some vitamin C and K. The rich quality and quantity and proper balance of calcium, magnesium and phosphorous, chlorine, sodium, potassium and silicon is of special value in Alfalfa.
Properties :- The seeds, leaves and stems of the alfalfa plant have important properties- derived from the root of the plant which reach up to 12 meters in the subsoil and absorb the elusive trace minerals from the depths. The most important this trace minerals is manganese which is vital to the human digestive system in its manufacture of insulin. Alfalfa is an outstanding alkalizing food. Alfalfa build up for a healthy and vigorous old age and resistance to infection.

Botanical Name - Pimpinella anisum
Indian Name - Velaiti saunf
Anise is an annual culinary herb belonging to ajwain or celery family. Its fruit, known as aniseed, is one of the oldest spices. The seed is ground-grey to greyish-brown in colour, oval in shape and 3.2 to 4.8 mm in length. It requires sunshine and warmth and does not grow satisfactorily in the tropical lowlands. Aniseed is a native of the Middle East. It was cultivated by ancient Egyptians, who valued its medicinal properties and culinary uses.Anise oil is a colourless or pale-yellow liquid, with the characteristic odour and taste of the fruit.
Properties :- Aniseed is esteemed in medicine for its properties to relieve flatulence and to remove catarrhal and phelgm from the bronchial tube. These properties are due to the presence of the essential oil. The seed also copious perspiration and increases the volume and discharge of urine.
    ARJUNA Top

Botanical Name - Terminalia arjuna
Indian Name - Kahu
Arjuna is a dense tree attaining a height of 20 to 27 meters. It has long ,cone-shaped round leaves and white bark which gives out milky juice when cut. Mainly the bark of the tree is used in medicines.
This tree has been named Nadisarjja in the early Sanskrit treatises, wherein its bark has been described as a cardiac tonic. Arjuna tree is indigenous to India. It is found throughout the sub-Himalayan tracts, the Deccan regions Myanmar and Srilanka. It grows chiefly along water channels or marshy belts. The bark contains unusually large quantities of calcium, aluminium and magnesium. It also contains a crystallic compound arjunine, lactone, arjunetin, essential oil, sugar and the colouring matter. In ayurveda the arjuna is beneficial in the treatment of asthma.
Properties :- The bark of the arjuna tree is a cardiac stimulant and has cooling and tonic effects. It is useful in arresting secretion or bleeding. It helps to relieve fever. It is also useful in removing calculi or stones formed in the urinary system.

Botanical Name - Ferula northex
Indian Name - Hing
Asafoetida is a resinous gum of a tall perennial herb, with robust carrot-shaped roots. It is dirty yellow in color with a pungent smell.   
It is used as a flavouring agent and forms a constituent of many spice mixture. Asafoetida has several varieties which are distributed from the Mediterranean region to central Asia. An analysis of Asafoetida shows it to consist of carbohydrates 67.8 per 100 gms, moisture 16.0 per cent, protein 4.0 per cent, fat 1.1 per cent, minerals 7.0 per cent and fibre 4.1 per cent. Its minerals and vitamin contents include substantial calcium besides phossphorus, iron, carotene, riboflavin and niacin.
Properties :- Asafoetida has been heald in great esteem amongst indigenous medicines from the earliest times in India. It is reputed as a drug which expels wind from the stomach and counteracts any spasmodic disorders. It is also a digestive agent and a sedactive.